Trademark Registration (Logo Registration)

Protect your brand identity with trademark registration for your logo. Our comprehensive service ensures the legal safeguarding of your logo, providing you with exclusive rights to its use.


Brand Recognition


Legal Protection


Market Expansion


Deterrence of Infringement

Service Highlights

Initial Consultation

Schedule a consultation to discuss your logo and trademark registration requirements.

Trademark Search

Conduct a thorough search to ensure the uniqueness of your logo and its eligibility for trademark registration.

Application Submission

Prepare and submit the trademark application on your behalf, adhering to all legal requirements and guidelines.

Review and Response

Monitor the application process and respond to any queries or objections from the trademark office promptly.

Approval and Registration

Upon successful review and approval, your logo will be officially registered as a trademark, granting you exclusive rights to its use.

Trademark Certificate Issuance

Receive the trademark registration certificate, providing legal proof of your logo’s protection.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a trademark?

A trademark is a distinctive sign or symbol, such as a logo, name, or slogan, used to identify and distinguish the goods or services of one business from those of others.

Why is trademark registration important?

Trademark registration provides legal protection for your brand identity, preventing others from using or imitating your trademark without permission.

How long does trademark registration take?

The timeframe for trademark registration varies depending on factors such as the jurisdiction and the complexity of the application. Generally, it can take several months to a year or more to complete the registration process.

What can be trademarked?

Trademarks can include words, symbols, logos, slogans, sounds, and even colors that distinguish your products or services from others in the market.

Do I need a trademark attorney to register my trademark?

While it is not mandatory to hire a trademark attorney, seeking professional assistance can help ensure that your trademark application is filed correctly and increases the likelihood of successful registration.

What happens if my trademark application is rejected?

If your trademark application is rejected, you will receive a notice explaining the reasons for the rejection. You may have the opportunity to amend your application or appeal the decision, depending on the specific circumstances.

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